The Novels of Virginia Woolf. Methuen; Holms & Meier, 1977. 236 pp. [Reissued in Routledge Revivals, 2010, with new introduction.]
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. A Room of One's Own and Three Guineas. Hogarth Press, 1984. Revised and reissued as the introduction to Three Guineas, Hogarth Press, 1991.
[Introduction] - The Hogarth Letters. Hogarth Press, 1986.
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. A Room of One's Own. Hogarth Press, 1991.
[Editor] - Virginia Woolf. To the Lighthouse. Penguin Books, 1992. 268pp. [introduction and notes; reprinted in Virginia Woolf: Introductions to the Major Works. Ed. Julia Briggs. Virago, 1994].
[Editor] - Virginia Woolf. The Years. Oxford University Press, 1992. pp. xii-xxxvi. [with introduction].
Virginia Woolf. Chatto & Windus, 1996; Knopf, 1997; Vintage paperback, 1997 [On best-seller list for 6 weeks after publication; 3 printings in UK and USA; internationally reviewed in Britain, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Holland. Runner-up for the James Tait Black Memorial Prize, the Duff Cooper Prize and the W.H.Smith Prize; winner of the British Academy Rose Mary Crawshay Prize, 1997. Short-listed in USA for the National Book Circle Critics' Award for Biography and selected for the New York Times Book Review best books of the year for 1997. Translated into French, German, Polish, Korean and Chinese.].
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. A Room of One's Own and Other Essays. The Folio Society, 2000. [Selected & Introduced].
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. Moments of Being. Ed. Jeanne Schulkind. Pimlico, 2002. [New introduction and revision of original edition by Jeanne Schulkind].
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. On Being Ill. Paris Press, 2002. pp. xi-xxxiv. ISBN 1930464061
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. Congenial Spirits: Selected Letters. Pimlico, 2003. pp. vii-x. ISBN: 0712646175.
[Introduction] - Virginia Woolf. A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals. Pimlico, 2004. pp. x-xiv. ISBN: 780712646000.
[Introduction] - The Hyde Park Gate News. Hesperus Press, 2005. pp.vii-x.
'Network of Allusion', Essays in Criticism, Vol XXVI, No. 4 (October 1976), pp. 355-363. (Review of Virginia Woolf: A Critical Study by Avrom Fleishman).
'Sharp Things, Precise Moments', English, Vol XXVI, No. 126 (Autumn 1977), pp. 254- 259. (Review of The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Vol I, ed. Anne Olivier Bell, and of Moments of Being: Unpublished Autobiographical Writings of Virginia Woolf, ed. Jeanne Schulkind).
Review of Virginia Woolf: Sources of Madness and Art by Jean Love and of The Unknown Virginia Woolf by Roger Poole, Review of English Studies, n.s. Vol XXXI, No. 121 (February 1980), pp.103-106.
'A Burning Glass: Reflections on Virginia Woolf'.Virginia Woolf: A Centernary Perspective. Ed. Eric Warner. Macmillan, 1984 [paper given at the Virginia Woolf Centenary Conference, Fitzwilliam College Cambridge, 1982].
Review of Vita & Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V.Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf by Suzanne Raitt, Essays in Criticism, Jan 1994, pp.75-79.
'Virginia Woolf and Offence'. The Art of Literary Biography. Ed. John Batchelor. Oxford University Press, 1994.
'Biomythographers: Rewriting the Lives of Virginia Woolf'. Essays in Criticism, April 1996 [the 1996 Bateson Lecture].
'Am I Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' Writing the Lives of Writers. Eds. Warwick Gould and Tom Staley. Macmillan, 1998.
'Crimes of Criticism: Virginia Woolf and Literary Journalism'. Grub Street and the Ivory Tower: Essays on the Relation Between Literary Journalism and Literary Scholarship. Eds. Jeremy Treglown and Bridget Bennett. Oxford University Press, 1998.
Review of Virginia Woolf's Feminist Aesthetics by Jane Goldman, Review of English Studies, Jan 1999.
'The Essays of Virginia Woolf'. The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf. Ed. Sue Roe. Cambridge University Press, 2000.
[Interview] - 'Hermione Lee Recommends the Best Books on Virginia Woolf', Interviewed by David Shackleton, Five Books, 17 June 2016.
Hermione Lee's numerous talks and presentations on Virginia Woolf can be located on the "Talks & Interviews" webpage.